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Pittsburgh Gazette, 107, 110, 124, 129, 132, 159, 171
Brackenridge’s Federalist articles in, 108
excise convention advertised in, 122
Neville’s ads in, 119–20, 143
radicalism in, 138
Tom the Tinker’s letters to, 130, 204
Washington, P.A., radical resolutions in, 20
Plutarch, 230–31
Potomac Company, 5
Potomac River, 4–5
Powers, John, 225–26
Presbyterians, 77–78, 99
presidential commission, 190–94
Craig’s testimony to, 197–98
submission form of, 204–5
Presque Isle, 186
Price, Richard, 91
Princeton, N.J., 99
Puritans, 77, 80
Quakers, 76, 78, 79–80, 99
Quebec, 152
Randolph, Edmund, 194, 195, 270n
A. Hamilton investigation and, 134, 135–36
in cabinet war council, 195, 271n
at Constitutional Convention, 58
negotiation with rebels urged by, 9, 189, 190
resignation of, 240–42, 277n
on right to assemble, 124–25
W. Bradford’s reports to, 191–92
on Washington, 250
Ranters, 80
Rawle, William, 141, 142, 143, 219, 220, 221, 226, 237, 266n, 268n, 275n
Reagan, Philip, 178–79, 143, 243, 259n, 261n, 269n–70n
Redick, David, 207, 209, 214–16, 228–29
Redstone, 200
Regulators, 82–84, 87
Great Awakening and, 73–77
Husband and, 25–26, 71–72, 89–91, 252n
“Report on Opposition to Internal Duties,” 245n–46n, 265n, 267n
“Report on Public Credit,” 60–61, 253n
Revelation, book of, 75–76, 89, 90, 92
Rhode Island, impost rejected by, 39
roads, 139, 140
Robespierre, Maximilien, 163
Ross, James, 140, 170, 171, 197, 198, 205, 210
as Brackenridge’s advocate, 231
at Braddock’s Field, 175, 176
oath signing and, 203
Parkinson’ Ferry congress and, 181
on presidential negotiating commission, 190, 192, 193, 205–6, 209
Washington courthouse speech of, 169
as Washington’s land agent, 240
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 18
Royal Navy, U.S. ships seized by, 1
St. Clair, Arthur, 45
Sandy Creek, 79
Schuyler, Philip, 37, 39, 42, 43
Schuyler family, 29
Scots-Irish, immigration of, 15
Senate, U.S., 61, 93
see also Congress, U.S.
Seven Years’ War, 13–14, 22, 148, 216
attacks by Indians in, 18
Sewickley tributary, 12
Shawnees, 13
attack by, 18
in Seven Years’ War, 14, 98
Shays, Daniel, 53, 257n
Shays Rebellion, 53, 56, 57, 58, 131, 256n, 257n
Sign of the Green Tree tavern, 23–25, 27, 101, 103, 105, 112–13, 117, 122, 123, 252n
slaves, slavery:
at Bower Hill, 99, 132, 147
Husband family’s ownership of, 72
Husband’s proposed abolition of, 93
Quaker opposition to, 78
Society of Friends, see Quakers
Society of the Cincinnati, 47
Solon, 231
South America, Hamilton’s invasion plan for, 240
South Carolina, whiskey tax and, 124
Spain, 30, 56, 140, 198, 229
Franklin state and, 16, 57
Brackenridge’s view of, 19
landed classes scorn of, 61
Pennsylvania Bank and, 55
state bonds purchased by, 61
squatters, 15–16, 117
Brackenridge’s defense of, 19, 24, 109
in North Carolina, 79
Washington’s position on, 139
Stamp Act (1765), 27, 80, 260n
state-sovereigntists, 57–58, 61
Supreme Court, Pennsylvania, 190
Supreme Court, U.S., 185, 186
Susquehanna River, 209
Swift, Jonathan, 17
tarring and feathering, 35
of Johnson, 20–23, 158
of Lynn, 143–44
taxes, 38–39, 44, 53, 60, 82, 87, 141
Husband’s plan for, 93
impact on backcountry of, 81–82
land and poll, 37, 39
Newburgh crisis and, 41, 42
Pittsburgh anti-excise convention’s proposal for, 123
R. Morris on, 33, 37, 38, 52, 256n
see also excises; impost
Ticonderoga, Fort, 168
Tom the Tinker, 130–31, 132, 147, 161, 178, 179, 189, 192, 204, 208, 265n
Tories, 17
Traddle the Weaver, 115, 170
Treasury Department, U.S., 51–52, 58, 64, 102, 103, 104, 105, 135, 136
A. Hamilton’s military role and, 210
suspicion among Fork’s residents of, 126
Neville’s letters to, 130
Wells’s testimony to, 129
Trenton, N.J., 99
Tryon, Lord, 83–84
“Tully,” 195, 203, 210
Turtle Creek, 12
“Tuscape Death,” 85–86
Uniontown, Pa., 129, 218
Valley Forge, Pa., 99, 151
Vermont, early statehood of, 16
Virginia, 38, 206, 190, 192, 216
constitution of, 36
Hamilton’s invasion plan for, 240
impost rejected by, 39
insurgency in, 203
Mingo Creek Association and, 117
Virginia province:
Forks claimed by, 15
Pennsylvania’s skirmishes with, 15, 16, 98
settlement rules of, 13
Voltaire, 90, 122
War Department, U.S., supply issues in, 210
War of Independence, see American Revolution
Washington, D.C., see Great Columbian Federal City
Washington, George, 6, 77, 93, 123, 133–136, 151, 186, 192, 207
and A. Hamilton, 29, 42–44, 48, 124–25, 133–136, 210–11
accusation of Randolph by 240–41
Brackenridge as chaplain under, 17
on democratic societies, 137, 141
as farmer, 2–3
financial difficulties of, 41
and Great Columbian Federal City, 3–4
infirmities of, 1, 6–7, 185, 250n, 274n
as land speculator, 56, 248n, 250n–51n
Mount Vernon trip of, 1–2
Newburgh crisis and, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45–46, 48–49, 115, 255n
notebooks of, 209–10
Potomac and, 4–5
press criticism of, 130
R. Morris’s plan for war debt and, 40, 254n
in Seven Years’ War, 13–14, 98
in Society of the Cincinnati, 47
squatters as viewed by, 139
views on Forks of, 138–40
western land of, 4, 5
Washington, George, Whiskey Rebellion and, 7–8, 9, 206, 209, 214, 217–18, 240, 245n, 264n–65n, 269n
A. Hamilton’s leadership approved by, 223–24
A. Hamilton’s official report and, 187–88
at cabinet war council, 195
civilian deaths and, 213
emergency cabinet meeting of, 185
Findley’s and Redick’s meeting with, 207, 214–16, 274n
Husband as prime suspect of, 259n
Mifflin’s meeting with, 186–87
in negotiation with rebels, 183, 190, 193–94
pardons offered by, 199
proclamation of, 190
on success of suppression, 240
br /> Washington, Martha, 2, 43
Washington, Pa., 23, 97, 119, 128, 208, 218, 222
armed militias in, 169
democratic society in, 137–38, 141, 151, 266n
new-state movement in, 57
occupying force near, 239
radical resolves of, 20, 104, 117, 121, 269n
Watauga, 16
Webster, John, 179, 192, 270n
Wells, Benjamin, 128–29, 143, 238, 269n–70n
attacks on, 179, 238, 270n
congressional claims of, 245n, 265n, 267n
deposition of, 243, 259n, 261n
as informant, 129–30, 141–42
Wells, John, 129, 143, 178–79
Westmoreland, Pa., 23, 54, 97, 128, 143, 178
Westsylvania, 16, 57
Wheeling, Virginia, 190
Whig Literary Club, 17
Whigs, 81
whiskey, 64–67
distillation of, 64–66, 258n
at Mount Vernon, 240
role in rural economies of, 66–67
Whiskey Rebellion, 7–9, 202–3, 211–14
A. Hamilton’s naming of, 239
historiography of, 245n–50n
see also Hamilton, Alexander, Whiskey Rebellion and; Washington, George, Whiskey Rebellion and
Whiskey Rebellion perpetrators, 7–8, 235
convictions of, 238
costumes of, 7, 173
dreams of, 8–9
in Philadelphia, 237–39
see also blackfaced gangs; Mingo Creek Association; specific individuals
whiskey tax, 7, 8, 20–21, 62, 140–41
in A. Hamilton’s national finance plan, 60–64, 67
“Act Repealing . . .” (1791), 27, 258n
Brackenridge on, 106, 110–11, 228
collection methods for, 68, 102–3, 239
convention to protest, at Sign of the Green Tree, 23–25, 27, 101, 105, 112–13, 117, 122, 123, 252n
enforcement law for, 185
Findley’s and Gallatin’s opposition to, 225
impact on distillers of, 114
large-scale distillers and, 69–70, 131
Parkinson’s Ferry committee’s demands regarding, 200
passage of, 64, 68, 70, 115
petitions against, 105–6, 110–11, 112, 114, 262n
radical demand for repeal of, 193
reform of trial rules for, 142–43
repeal of, 242
as symbol, 183
as wealth redistribution, 68–70
see also Hamilton, Alexander, whiskey tax and
White, Anthony “Blackbeard,” 221–22, 235–36
Whitefield, George, 73, 75, 76, 77, 260n
Whitehill, Robert, 54–55, 106
Wigle, James, 129
Wigle, Phillip, 129, 238
Wilkins, John, Jr., 170, 171, 177, 181
Wilkins, John, Sr., 170, 172, 181, 269n
Wilson, James, 54–55, 59, 106, 185–86, 189, 196, 270n
Wilson, Robert, 104–5, 117
Winchester, Va., 179
Witherspoon, Dr., 17
Wolcott, Oliver, 240–41
Wolfe, Sabina, see Brackenridge, Sabina Wolfe
Woods, John, 24, 100–101, 105, 106, 230, 232
Yeates, Jasper, 190, 191–92, 203, 204, 205
yellow fever, 130
Yohogania, Pa., 98
Yorktown, battle of, 7, 44, 99
Youghiogheny River, 12, 131, 216, 225
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Copyright © 2006 by William Hogeland
Maps © Jack Ryan
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:
Hogeland, William.
The Whiskey Rebellion: George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and the frontier rebels who challenged America’s newfound sovereignty / William Hogeland.
p. cm.
“A Lisa Drew book.”
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Whiskey Rebellion, Pa., 1794. I. Title.
E315.H64 2006
ISBN 978-0-7432-5490-8
ISBN 978-0-7432-5491-5 (pbk)
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